Monday, May 25, 2020

Effective Communication in Relationships Essay - 586 Words

The world is full of psychos and you might be with one right now. Thats a situation more people encounter. There are many factors in a healthy relationship. Being with someone can be a wonderful experience, but it can change into something worse. A friend I talked to said me and my boyfriend talk a lot and tell each other how we feel. Thats one way couples can avoid getting into arguments rather than screaming at each other. To make a relationship last there must be a foundation, and that foundation is a good friendship. Couples also need to be honest, which can give couples a bond and develops trust. The elements of a healthy relationship are: being able to communicate, being honest with each other and having a good†¦show more content†¦No one wants to get into a relationship where they abuse each other physically and mentally. Relationships start off good in the beginning because each partner is learning about each other. Later on in the relationship they might discover that their partner is different from when they first met. People forget that friendship structures a good relationship, and cant last if there is nothing to base it on. A friend of mine said, When couples get into fights they either break up or stay together. If there is a strong friendship then its worth it to work through the hard times and other problems. Divakaruni says in The Bats Its from him, she said in answer to the question in our eyes. He wants us to come back. He promises it wont happen again. illustrates even though her parents are fighting their strong friendship keeps them together. From my own experience long lasting relationships come from people that were close friends that have similar personalities. The couples that break up most are couples that didnt take the time to form a good friendship and see if they r eally like each other. According to L.L. Bumpass in Role of cohabitation in declining rates of marriage, it proves that 40% of couples that lived together before marriage break up. This shows that couples need to see if they are compatible first before they take their friendship to the next step. An effective way for each partner express how they really feel is toShow MoreRelatedHow Relationships Is Effective Communication?883 Words   |  4 PagesRelationships involve effective communication to keep going. Otherwise, the relationship slowly dies or is forgotten. Although, not just any sort of communication keeps a relationship from fading. It must be effectively done. Different components go into effective communication. First, the conversations must be initiated somehow through a channel or method of communicating. 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In a school environment, relationships are formed at many different levels - between children and their peersRead More1.1, Explain Why Effective Communication Is Important in Developing Positive Relationships with Children, Young People and Adults1586 Words   |  7 PagesUnderstand the principals of developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults. 1.1, Explain why effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults. Effective communication is the most important part in developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults. Some pupils that struggle with their learning and/or have confidence issues may find that

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Financial Crisis Rescue Efforts - 855 Words

The Financial Crisis: Rescue Efforts Throughout the early 2000’s, relaxed lending regulations and lowered interest rates sparked the growth of the securitization of subprime mortgages. In order to increase profit and revenue, a number of financial institutions became heavily involved in the process of securitizing the loans. When house prices began to fall in 2006, homeowner delinquencies and foreclosures increased causing many institutions to become overleveraged. As a result, the destabilization of financial institutions and the economy ensued, provoking the great recession in 2007. In an effort to promote economic stability the United States government intervened and provided financial assistance to institutions with the greatest†¦show more content†¦Consequently, these losses impacted the health of financial markets across the United States and the world. On October 9th 2007, the DJIA closed at a record high of 14,164 before tumbling to below 11,000 in July 200 8 (Kosakowski, 2008). As the crisis worsened, the DJIA continued to fall reaching a low of 6,547 in March of 2009. Not only did the DJIA feel the impact of the crisis but the LIBOR did as well. During the middle of 2007, the LIBOR was rallying at a high of 5.3195, however, over the next year the rate would continue to drop until it hit record lows. At the beginning of January 2009 the LIBOR came in below one and continued to hover around .3 and lower over the next few years (Fedprimerate, n.d.). In corresponded with the LIBOR, the Federal Funds rate also fell into a downward spiral from the crisis. Before the crisis was fully realized, the Federal Funds rate was 4.25 in December 2007. As the effects of the crisis grew the rate dropped to .25 by the end of the next year and stayed consistently low over the next few years (Federal Reserve, 2015). Therefore, the financial crisis destabilized the health of financial markets, resulting in the drastic lowering of the DJIA, LIBOR and Federal Funds rate. Relief Efforts In an effort to cushion the effects of the crisis the United States government intervened to help maintain consumer

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Aging And The Life Course - 1528 Words

Aging in the Movies: Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Ninety six percent of people sixty-five and older are nonmovers (Quadagno, 2014, p.203) yet the film The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011) follows seven individuals who are seeking a place that can accommodate their elderly needs. Despite this being a fictional film, the text Aging and the Life Course: An Introduction to Social Gerontology (Quadagno, 201) can support the ways in which the film accurately depicts various obstacles associated with aging. Each of the characters in The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel overcome ageist social constructions present within western culture but represent that there can still be hope in old age. Of all the characters in the film Muriel Donnelly started out as the most helpless. She was the only character to physically represent the frail elderly and the type of the treatment they receive. When Muriel is seeking medical attention she is place in the hallway of an overpopulated hospital. Besides her racial attitude, she still does receive very watchful attention. This represents how little value our healthcare puts into the elderly patients and with the majority of our population becoming elderly overpopulated healthcare settings are an inevitable part of our future. I know the healthcare system in Britain is different than ours, but a two-year wait to treat a debilitating ailment is what we are headed to, there are waitlist similar to this just to receive physical or occupational therapy. NotShow MoreRelatedIdentity And Self Concept Is Dependent Upon Social Interactions And Experiences Essay836 Words   |  4 Pagessociety’s shared commonality of the aging process, e ach maturing experience and progression of identity is individualized. Therefore, this ideology can be explained by the concept of life course. Aging is a reality many people dislike to face. The notion of becoming older frightens many; nevertheless it is inevitable biological existence. While the aging process is physical force incapable of being prevented, aging is a social construction. Due to an individual’s life history and experiences throughoutRead MoreA Silver Fox868 Words   |  4 PagesCelebrations occur at various time points throughout the life course. With a solid group of friends to share those moments with, Billy invites his childhood friends to share the newest milestone in his life – his marriage. As the four men embark on a trip to remember, they learn the importance of embracing their age, rather than evade the inevitable by living up to the stigmas perpetuated by societal ignorance. 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It exposes the disengagements, actions and social emotions of the second half of life from a development process. John Gustafson (Jack Lemon) spends a lot of time in his home alone playing chess. His mornings outside of the holidays consist ofRead MoreNot Only Is It Detrimental To The Social Development Of1604 Words   |  7 Pages Not only is it detrimental to the social development of geriatric individuals when we are not educated about typical and nontypical aging, but it is also detrimental to the overall physical and cognitive health due to the fact that we lose valuable opportunities at early intervention. All three of the most commonly diagnosed degenerative conditions within the geriatric population can have improved prognosis with early intervention. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Southwest Airlines Case Study Essay Sample free essay sample

Millions of people fly everyday. Southwest air hoses provide low-fare travel among 58 metropoliss in the United States. Although the air hose industry suffered greatly in the wake of September 11. Southwest was able to go on to keep strong. Southwest air hose continues to keep steady gross revenues as much of the industry was affected by alterations in laws/regulations and competition come ining the market. In the undermentioned study there is a brief debut to Southwest Airlines and their scheme and so what. if anything. they need to make or non make to stay at the top and competitory in the air hose industry. The Problem The major job of the company is whether they can go on turning and at the same clip maintain offering the same services to their clients. To go on turning. Southwest Airlines needs to analyse the external environment in order to guarantee their success. The Analysiss Six elements of external environment The OptionsThe solutions that will be presented for Southwest air hoses have to assail two chief issues: 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Southwest Airlines Case Study Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page How will they be able to maintain their â€Å"Southwest air hoses LUV† 2. How to maintain their enlargement and non impact the image of the air hose. Southwest Airlines has a list of infinite options. many will impede their image from the interior out ( employees to costumiers ) while supplying a set of services that will maintain their clients happy for a piece. others will do the one time homelike air hose seem like a cold and large baron and doing their image of LUV to fall. so in order to avoid this and assist the company maintain both ends these are the solutions that will be presented for their quandary. 1. â€Å"Freemium† : What’s free: Web package and services. some content. Free to whom: users of the basic version. † ( Chris Anderson. Why $ 0. 00 Is the Future of Business. 02. 25. 08 ) Finding things and thoughts that will hold no existent cost to the company for the service while being able to bear down an â€Å"extra† for the trade good of the clients will increase the net incomes of the company. 2. Cut costs: Disembark from the tarmac and allow the costumiers walk to the gateway. The company has to believe and be originative in the ways they can maintain a inexpensive rate for their flights while doing inventions to their planes. paying their employees and maintaining costumiers happy with their services. 3. Offset losingss with higher menus: Charge supernumerary for a extremely demanded twenty-four hours or for buying the ticket the same twenty-four hours. 4. In flight foreigners advertisement: Offer a infinite of advertisement inside of the aircraft to other companies. The Recommendations After taking into consideration both the analysis and the options that were presented. it has been decided that the best way the company could take would be to unify both the first and 4th recommendations. The Freemium thought and Advertising inside of the aircraft are things that can be completed in small sum of clip and devising net income out of both things. This will guarantee that the LUV that Southwest Airlines shows towards their employees and clients keeps being the first precedence inside of the endeavor while non holding to compromise their growing by presenting new ways to do gross out of things that won’t do them put more money that they could stop fring. These two recommendations will be assailing and deciding the chief issues of the job: foremost a manner to maintain their â€Å"LUV† flowing and the 2nd one a manner to guarantee that the growing that has taken topographic point will non drop the company but alternatively assist them be bigger and better. DecisionsThe recommendations were the 1s chosen because they are the 1s that have the less grade of failure. and if failure was to be met the impact in the company would be about or really near to nothing. Southwest is a great instance survey of how to acquire employee bargain in. to a growing developing concern. The key to the success of the southwest theoretical account has been plus use and low variable costs. married with strong company civilization to alining values. systems. constructions and scheme. By making this Southwest has been able to prolong competitory advantage by unleashing the potency in their work force. Mentions Dess. G. . Lumpkin. T. . Eisner. A. . McNamara. G. ( 2011 ) . Strategic Management: Text and Cases / Edition 6. Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies. Inc. Theot. T. ( 2010 ) . Southwest Airlines. Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: //es. scribd. com/doc/35327373/Southwest-Airlines-Case-Study Bhutada. S. Ranadive. S. ( n. d. ) . Southwest Airlines. Just Plane Smart. Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. slideshare. net/sarangbhutada/southwest-airlines-case-study